The Interline is a fashion technology news publication and community dedicated to fashion and retail technology. Designed and written by the fashion industry experts who created WhichPLM, The Interline is an independent initiative targeted at fashion industry professionals who are hungry for real editorial, opinion, and analysis that is completely devoted to fashion technology outside the scope of PLM.
Other technology publications only rarely talk about fashion. And fashion business magazines only sometimes touch on technology. The Interline is different: we are all fashion technology, all of the time.
Starting with our launch in March 2020, every sees The Interline reporting on a different fashion technology topic: from personalised, post-sale experiences that rely on RFID, to the new age of industrial robotics.
Our Editorial Archive collects our full history of fashion technology articles, organised by editorial focus; our homepage is the destination for the latest fashion and retail technology stories; our Events page tracks The Interline’s participation in fashion technology events around the world; and our News archive features a curated back catalogue of fashion technology news, press releases, and regular fashion technology round-ups.